"Although I purchased two Doc-it in-wall storage systems, and installed them in the rough framing of my house months ago, I finally completed the installation yesterday and got everything working the very first time!!! I put one on the first floor and a second one on the second floor. The second floor unit reaches up to the attic room as well, because I planned it close to the attic stairwell.
Paper instructions as well as the instructional videos on the website were easy to understand and left nothing to chance; very complete. I installed the Doc-it units, ran all the PVC piping and low voltage wires myself. The electrician ran the 120v wires as he was wiring the rest of the house. I saved a bundle of money, and the system works perfectly! I really think that this storage-in-the-wall solution for the hose is the cat’s pajamas. Having to lug a hose around isn’t much different than lugging a regular vacuum cleaner around for me.
But the Doc-it vacuum is hidden right there at the ready in the kitchen where it is most needed, and reaches to the rest of the first floor with hose to spare. The convenience is really worth the extra cost over a standard vacuum cleaner. It is also very quiet compared to a regular vacuum, and I can clean up when the kids are asleep without fear to wake them. I would describe myself as an advanced do-it-yourselfer, but I think that this can be tackled by anyone who is willing to sit down and watch the videos several times and go over and learn the fundamentals of vacuum piping on the website. ThinkVacuums website is a great resource of information, and provided all of the instruction I needed to successfully complete the installation all by myself.
Thanks very much!