You can make your home environment healthier with the latest technology available in Central Vacuum Systems. By having a Central Vacuum System installed in your house, all of the dirt and allergens can be sucked away through a series of wall inlets that are installed throughout your home.
The inlets(wall inlets) are distributed through the house and are connected to a state of the art Central Vacuum Unit. These inlets are used to attach vacuum hoses and accessories allowing the user to have a lightweight, yet extremely powerful vacuum for the entire home.
Typically, Central Vacuum Units are installed in the basement or garage for ease of accessibility, and to keep the waste materials away from the home environment.
Top Benefits in owning a Central Vacuum System.
1. Exhaust venting outside of the home environment. Dust particles that go through normal vacuums are re-introduced back into the living areas of the house.
2. Central Vacuums have Five Times the suction of a normal vacuum. More dirt and debris are sucked up with greater efficiency and power, thus making for a cleaner home.
3. The vacuum heads and accessories are lighter then standard vacuums and allow for an ease of use not available with a standard vacuum.
4. Filters on Central Vacuum systems allow for a much larger holding area of dirt and debris, so changing them can be done on a less frequent basis.
5. Vacpan dustpans make sweeping much easier and allow for the swept debris to be sucked out through a vent that is incorporated through the wall to the Central Vacuum system.
Reduce the allergens, dust, and dirt in your home with greater efficiency and convenience by installing a Central Vacuum system from ThinkVacuums.Com today !
You will be glad you did.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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