The deal is done. The I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed. Two giants in the industry have merged to introduce the most state-of-the-art central vacuum system to date. The Cana-Vac central vacuum company, one of the most prestigious - if not the top - central vacuum company in the world and Thinkvacuums.com have teamed up to bring you this new system.
The President of Cana-Vac, Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence, along with their son, Andrew, and the US representative, Marty Laska were kind enough to fly down from Canada. They approached us with a new premier line that took years to develop, and they chose us to be the only company on the internet to carry their new Cana-Vac hybrid line, designed by retired NASA engineer Leonard Budd. By using space age materials and state-of-the-art motors, these are innovations that will become a new trend in the industry. We've been lucky enough to be selected out of all the other companies on the internet to represent their premium line of central vacuums. It's so top secret that the other 28 central vacuum companies out there will be simply envious of this new technologically advanced system and wonder why they didn't think of it first. Cana-Vac doesn't just sell their products to just any person who jumps on the internet. They choose who they want to do business with, and thankfully we are at the top of that list. We truly didn’t know we were chosen till the last minute to exclusively introduce the next generation of central vacuum to the industry. The new line is more energy efficient, more powerful, and offers better filtration. “More Bang for your Buck”. These new units will start from just $429 to the top-of-the-line $799 which has 808 airwatts. A unit with that many airwatts typically retails for over $949! An unbelieveable price for unbelieveable power.
The first 250 customers ordering this unit will also receive a free car & garage kit (while supplies last)! That in itself is a suggested retail value of $100, completely free. This promotion is yet another exclusive to Thinkvacuums customers only! We believe that in this economy, the best buy is the best value for your dollar and this is an excellent bundle.
These new units feature the new ESP (Extra Suction Power) Ametek-Lamb motors, which were designed particularly for this central vacuum. Best of all, their warranties are the real deal. Virtually covering the whole system for 35 years motor/Lifetime on the entire vacuum unit. That’s twice or 3 times longer than the average central vacuum system offered on the market. Another first in the industry brought to you by Cana-Vac.
Our esteemed guests brought with them the new hybrid prototype of the system to demo it for us as well as the other mid-range sytems for us to pick and choose. They are looking to us to provide them with feedback on these new systems. During a dinner with the whole Cana-Vac crew, David gave us the highest praises for being the company we are, with the excellent customer service we provide it's no wonder that we were the only ones chosen to take on this new line.
We were so honored to have such a prestigious system brought to our doorstep. We are both excited about this joint venture.
So many years of being in the central vacuum field, we've witnessed this industry evolve into what it is today. So many companies are adding "bells and whistles" like LED screens to simply monitor the temperature, it’s just a waste of energy. While nice, bells and whistles are just a waste of resources and use more electricity. This is a REAL innovative technological achievement in the central vacuum industry.
We look forward to having these excellent new vacuums live on our website very soon, so you can see for yourself how great these units are. If you just can't wait to get your hands on one of these great units, give us a call! We'll be happy to take a pre-order and ship it out the day we get our stock in, which should be on Tuesday, March 24th. You can also check out our Cana-Vac vacuum page on our website which will be updated when they arrive.