NAHB Research Center works with builders and manufacturers to test the performance of products used in homes today. They not only carry out controlled laboratory test, but also perform field product tests. Created in 1964 as a subsidiary of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the NAHB Research Center has established itself as the source for reliable, objective information and research on housing construction and development issues.
Homeowners and builders are able to earn points toward meeting green building standards. The Drainvac Central Vacuum gives you 5 points towards a greener home.
Benefits to having a Green Approved Drainvac Central Vacuum System in your home:
- Improved indoor air quality
- Healthier living environment
- Improved and intelligent quiet systems
- Whole house cleaning power
- High efficiency HEPA filtration
- Long system life
Drainvac International Inc.'s National Green Building Certification puts them amongst Fortune 500 companies such as DuPont Building Innovations, Dow Building Solutions, and The Dow Chemical Company to name a few. This prestigious award doesn't come easy. Dranvac's recent "Green Approved" certificate is an incredible honor not only for Drainvac but also by respected builders and contractors in the industry.
The NAHB Research Center is recognized as a test laboratory, quality assurance agency, and certified product listing agency by many building and plumbing code agencies, and by national, state, and local code enforcement authorities.
More information on the National Green Building Standard: The four threshold levels, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Emerald provide builders with a means to achieve basic, entry-level green building, or achieve the highest level of sustainable “green” building that incorporates energy savings of 60 percent or higher. The Standard can be used by any builder for their individual projects, or be the basis for a local community or state green building program.